
Noninvasive Technique Tracks Light Through Photonic Circuits

Schematics of the experimental setup

Optica Review

Optica article

Topological Transitions and Surface Umklapp Scattering in Weakly Modulated Periodic Metasurfaces

K Cohen, S Tsesses, S Dolev, Y Blechman, G Ankonina, G Bartal

Nano Letters 23 (22), 10243-10250


Tunble photon-induced spatial modulation of free electrons

shai tsesses, Refael Dahan, Kangpeng Wang, Tomer Bucher, Koby Cohen, Ori Reinhardt, Guy Bartal, Ido Kaminer


Real-time sub-wavelength imaging of surface waves with nonlinear near-field optical microscopy

Kobi Frischwasser, Kobi Cohen, Jakob Kher-Alden, Shimon Dolev, Shai Tsesses and Guy Bartal

Nature Photonics |



Sub- wavelength spin excitations in ultracold gases created by stimulated Raman transitions

Y Ilin, S Tsesses, G Bartal, Y Sagi
New Journal of Physics 22 (9), 093071

Miniaturizing nanoantennas with hybrid photonic-plasmonic modes for improved metasurfaces

Y Chachamovitz, G Bartal
Optics Letters 45 (17), 4871-4874

Nonmodal plasmonics: Controlling the forced optical response of nanostructures

G Rosenblatt, B Simkhovich, G Bartal, M Orenstein
Physical Review X 10 (1), 011071

Spin-orbit interaction of light in plasmonic lattices

S Tsesses, K Cohen, E Ostrovsky, B Gjonaj, G Bartal
Nano Letters 19 (6) 4010-4016
soi lattices

Optical skyrmion lattice in evanescent electromagnetic fields

S Tsesses, E Ostrovsky, K Cohen, B Gjonaj, NH Lindner, G Bartal
Science 361 (6406), 993-996
Research Highlight in Nature Physics:

Experimental demonstration of Multi Moiré structured illumination microscopy

D Shterman, B Gjonaj, G Bartal
ACS Photonics 5 (5), 1898-1902

Nanoscale control over optical singularities

E Ostrovsky, K Cohen, S Tsesses, B Gjonaj, G Bartal
Optica 5 (3), 283-288

Modeling Linear and Nonlinear Hyperlens Structures

G Bartal, D Aronovich
Plasmonics and Super-Resolution Imaging, 221,235-260

Observation of Anderson localization in disordered nanophotonic structures

HH Sheinfux, Y Lumer, G Ankonina, AZ Genack, G Bartal, M Segev
Science 356 (6341), 953-956

Light generation via quantum interaction of electrons with periodic nanostructures

S Tsesses, G Bartal, I Kaminer
Physical Review A 95 (1), 013832

Double moiré structured illumination microscopy with high-index materials

Y Blau, D Shterman, G Bartal, B Gjonaj
Optics letters 41 (15), 3455-3458

Two-dimensional optical nanovortices at visible light

A David, B Gjonaj, G Bartal
Physical Review B 93 (12), 121302

Feedback as the source of imperfection in lossy perfect lenses

G Rosenblatt, G Bartal, M Orenstein
Physical Review A 93 (2), 021804

Linearly dichroic plasmonic lens and hetero-chiral structures

G Spektor, A David, B Gjonaj, L Gal, G Bartal, M Orenstein
Optics express 24 (3), 2436-2442

Separation of light confinement and absorption sites for enhancing solar water splitting

A Niv, MG Koren, H Dotan, G Bartal, A Rothschild
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (8), 3043-3051

Nanoscale shaping and focusing of visible light in planar metal–oxide–silicon waveguides

A David, B Gjonaj, Y Blau, S Dolev, G Bartal
Optica 2 (12), 1045-1048

Spin-patterned plasmonics: towards optical access to topological-insulator surface states

G Spektor, A David, G Bartal, M Orenstein, A Hayat
Optics express 23 (25), 32759-32765

Metafocusing by a metaspiral plasmonic lens

G Spektor, A David, B Gjonaj, G Bartal, M Orenstein
Nano letters 15 (9), 5739-5743

Nanophotonics: Bright future for hyperbolic chips

G Bartal
Nature 522 (7555), 160

Far-field measurements of short-wavelength surface plasmons

Y Blau, B Gjonaj, A David, S Dolev, D Shterman, G Bartal
Applied Physics Letters 106 (12), 121111

Subwavelength multilayer dielectrics: ultrasensitive transmission and breakdown of effective-medium theory

HH Sheinfux, I Kaminer, Y Plotnik, G Bartal, M Segev
Physical review letters 113 (24), 243901

Exact modeling of cylindrical metal–dielectric multilayers beyond the effective medium approximation

D Aronovich, G Bitan, G Bartal
Optics letters 39 (22), 6517-6520

Sub-100 nm focusing of short wavelength plasmons in homogeneous 2D space

B Gjonaj, A David, Y Blau, G Spektor, M Orenstein, S Dolev, G Bartal
Nano letters 14 (10), 5598-5602

Field enhancement and resonance phenomena in complex three-dimensional nanoparticles: efficient computation using the source-model technique

Y Ishay, Y Leviatan, G Bartal
Optics letters 39 (10), 2876-2879

Plasmon-enhanced four-wave mixing for superresolution applications

B Simkhovich, G Bartal
Physical review letters 112 (5), 056802

Finite element simulation of a perturbed axial-symmetric whispering-gallery mode and its use for intensity enhancement with a nanoparticle coupled to a microtoroid

A Kaplan, M Tomes, T Carmon, M Kozlov, O Cohen, G Bartal, …
Optics express 21 (12), 14169-14180

Nonlinear hyperlens

D Aronovich, G Bartal
Optics letters 38 (4), 413-415

Earlier Works by Guy Bartal

Anti-Hermitian plasmon coupling of an array of gold thin-film antennas for controlling light at the nanoscale

S Zhang, Z Ye, Y Wang, Y Park, G Bartal, M Mrejen, X Yin, X Zhang
Physical review letters 109 (19), 193902
Mapping the near-field dynamics in plasmon-induced transparency

Z Ye, S Zhang, Y Wang, YS Park, T Zentgraf, G Bartal, X Yin, X Zhang
Physical Review B 86 (15), 155148
Narrow-bandwidth high-order harmonics driven by long-duration hot spots

M Kozlov, O Kfir, A Fleischer, A Kaplan, T Carmon, HGL Schwefel, …
New Journal of Physics 14 (6), 063036
Optical negative refraction by four-wave mixing in thin metallic nanostructures

S Palomba, S Zhang, Y Park, G Bartal, X Yin, X Zhang
Nature materials 11 (1), 34
Design, fabrication and characterization of indefinite metamaterials of nanowires

J Yao, Y Wang, KT Tsai, Z Liu, X Yin, G Bartal, AM Stacy, YL Wang, …
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical …
Three-dimensional nanometer-scale optical cavities of indefinite medium

J Yao, X Yang, X Yin, G Bartal, X Zhang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (28), 11327-11331
Anomalous spectral scaling of light emission rates in low-dimensional metallic nanostructures

DA Genov, RF Oulton, G Bartal, X Zhang
Physical Review B 83 (24), 245312
Magnetized plasma for reconfigurable subdiffraction imaging

S Zhang, Y Xiong, G Bartal, X Yin, X Zhang
Physical review letters 106 (24), 243901
Experimental demonstration of low-loss optical waveguiding at deep sub-wavelength scales

VJ Sorger, Z Ye, RF Oulton, Y Wang, G Bartal, X Yin, X Zhang
Nature Communications 2, 331
Room-temperature sub-diffraction-limited plasmon laser by total internal reflection

RM Ma, RF Oulton, VJ Sorger, G Bartal, X Zhang
Nature materials 10 (2), 110
Spherical hyperlens for two-dimensional sub-diffractional imaging at visible frequencies

J Rho, Z Ye, Y Xiong, X Yin, Z Liu, H Choi, G Bartal, X Zhang
Nature communications 1, 143
General properties of surface modes in binary metal-dielectric metamaterials

SH Nam, E Ulin-Avila, G Bartal, X Zhang
Optics express 18 (25), 25627-25632
Optical Möbius symmetry in metamaterials

CW Chang, M Liu, S Nam, S Zhang, Y Liu, G Bartal, X Zhang
Physical review letters 105 (23), 235501
Light-driven nanoscale plasmonic motors

M Liu, T Zentgraf, Y Liu, G Bartal, X Zhang
Nature nanotechnology 5 (8), 570
Deep subwavelength surface modes in metal–dielectric metamaterials

SH Nam, E Ulin-Avila, G Bartal, X Zhang
Optics letters 35 (11), 1847-1849
Transformational plasmon optics

Y Liu, T Zentgraf, G Bartal, X Zhang
Nano letters 10 (6), 1991-1997
Introduction to solitons in photonic lattices

NK Efremidis, JW Fleischer, G Bartal, O Cohen, H Buljan, …
Nonlinearities in Periodic Structures and Metamaterials, 73-99
Imaging visible light using anisotropic metamaterial slab lens

J Yao, KT Tsai, Y Wang, Z Liu, G Bartal, YL Wang, X Zhang
Optics express 17 (25), 22380-22385
Experimental demonstration of an acoustic magnifying hyperlens

J Li, L Fok, X Yin, G Bartal, X Zhang
Nature materials 8 (12), 931
Designing the Fourier space with transformation optics

J Li, S Han, S Zhang, G Bartal, X Zhang
Optics letters 34 (20), 3128-3130
Plasmon lasers at deep subwavelength scale

RF Oulton, VJ Sorger, T Zentgraf, RM Ma, C Gladden, L Dai, G Bartal, …
Nature 461 (7264), 629
Plasmonic fabry-pérot nanocavity

VJ Sorger, RF Oulton, J Yao, G Bartal, X Zhang
Nano letters 9 (10), 3489-3493
Split ring resonator sensors for infrared detection of single molecular monolayers

E Cubukcu, S Zhang, YS Park, G Bartal, X Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 95 (4), 043113
An optical cloak made of dielectrics

J Valentine, J Li, T Zentgraf, G Bartal, X Zhang
Nature materials 8 (7), 568
Subwavelength dynamic focusing in plasmonic nanostructures using time reversal

G Bartal, G Lerosey, X Zhang
Physical Review B 79 (20), 201103
Compressing surface plasmons for nano-scale optical focusing

H Choi, DFP Pile, S Nam, G Bartal, X Zhang
Optics express 17 (9), 7519-7524
Nonlinear waves in subwavelength waveguide arrays: Evanescent bands and the “phoenix soliton”

O Peleg, M Segev, G Bartal, DN Christodoulides, N Moiseyev
Physical review letters 102 (16), 163902
Deep subwavelength terahertz waveguides using gap magnetic plasmon

A Ishikawa, S Zhang, DA Genov, G Bartal, X Zhang
Physical review letters 102 (4), 043904
Controlling the phase and amplitude of plasmon sources at a subwavelength scale

G Lerosey, DFP Pile, P Matheu, G Bartal, X Zhang
Nano letters 9 (1), 327-331
Ray optics at a deep-subwavelength scale: a transformation optics approach

S Han, Y Xiong, D Genov, Z Liu, G Bartal, X Zhang
Nano letters 8 (12), 4243-4247
Confinement and propagation characteristics of subwavelength plasmonic modes

RF Oulton, G Bartal, DFP Pile, X Zhang
New Journal of Physics 10 (10), 105018
Confinement and propagation characteristics of subwavelength plasmonic modes

RF Oulton, G Bartal, DFP Pile, X Zhang
New Journal of Physics 10 (10), 105018
Observation of stimulated emission of surface plasmon polaritons

M Ambati, SH Nam, E Ulin-Avila, DA Genov, G Bartal, X Zhang
Nano letters 8 (11), 3998-4001
Long-range antiferromagnetic interactions in  and : Density functional theory calculations

C Cheng
Physical Review B 78 (13), 132403
All-angle negative refraction and imaging in a bulk medium made of metallic nanowires in the visible region

Y Liu, G Bartal, X Zhang
Optics Express 16 (20), 15439-15448
Three-dimensional optical metamaterial with a negative refractive index

J Valentine, S Zhang, T Zentgraf, E Ulin-Avila, DA Genov, G Bartal, …
nature 455 (7211), 376
Optical negative refraction in bulk metamaterials of nanowires

J Yao, Z Liu, Y Liu, Y Wang, C Sun, G Bartal, AM Stacy, X Zhang
Science 321 (5891), 930-930
A hybrid plasmonic waveguide for subwavelength confinement and long-range propagation

RF Oulton, VJ Sorger, DA Genov, DFP Pile, X Zhang
Nature Photonics 2 (8), 496
Localization of light in disordered lattices

T Schwartz, G Bartal, S Fishman, M Segev
Optics and Photonics News 18 (12), 35-35
Subwavelength discrete solitons in nonlinear metamaterials

Y Liu, G Bartal, DA Genov, X Zhang
Physical review letters 99 (15), 153901
Incoherent modulation instability in a nonlinear photonic lattice

M Jablan, H Buljan, O Manela, G Bartal, M Segev
Optics express 15 (8), 4623-4633
Conical diffraction and gap solitons in honeycomb photonic lattices

O Peleg, G Bartal, B Freedman, O Manela, M Segev, DN Christodoulides
Physical review letters 98 (10), 103901
Transport and Anderson localization in disordered two-dimensional photonic lattices

T Schwartz, G Bartal, S Fishman, M Segev
Nature 446 (7131), 52
Electroholographic tunable volume grating in the g 44 configuration

A Bitman, N Sapiens, L Secundo, AJ Agranat, G Bartal, M Segev
Optics letters 31 (19), 2849-2851
Spatial four wave mixing in nonlinear periodic structures

G Bartal, O Manela, M Segev
Physical review letters 97 (7), 073906
Spatial supercontinuum generation in nonlinear photonic lattices

O Manela, G Bartal, M Segev, H Buljan
Optics letters 31 (15), 2320-2322
Incoherent white-light solitons in nonlinear periodic lattices

R Pezer, H Buljan, G Bartal, M Segev, JW Fleischer
Physical Review E 73 (5), 056608
Wave and defect dynamics in nonlinear photonic quasicrystals

B Freedman, G Bartal, M Segev, R Lifshitz, DN Christodoulides, …
Nature 440 (7088), 1166
Observation of random-phase gap solitons in photonic lattices

G Bartal, O Cohen, O Manela, M Segev, JW Fleischer, R Pezer, H Buljan
Optics letters 31 (4), 483-485
Partially coherent waves in nonlinear periodic lattices

H Buljan, G Bartal, O Cohen, T Schwartz, O Manela, T Carmon, M Segev, …
Studies in Applied Mathematics: Special issue: Nonlinear optics 115 (2), 173-208
Partially coherent waves in nonlinear periodic lattices

H Buljan, G Bartal, O Cohen, T Schwartz, O Manela, T Carmon, M Segev, …
Studies in Applied Mathematics: Special issue: Nonlinear optics 115 (2), 173-208
Observation of second-band vortex solitons in 2D photonic lattices

G Bartal, O Manela, O Cohen, JW Fleischer, M Segev
Physical review letters 95 (5), 053904
Gap random-phase lattice solitons

R Pezer, H Buljan, JW Fleischer, G Bartal, O Cohen, M Segev
Optics express 13 (13), 5013-5023
Brillouin zone spectroscopy of nonlinear photonic lattices

G Bartal, O Cohen, H Buljan, JW Fleischer, O Manela, M Segev
Physical review letters 94 (16), 163902
Spatial photonics in nonlinear waveguide arrays

JW Fleischer, G Bartal, O Cohen, T Schwartz, O Manela, B Freedman, …
Optics express 13 (6), 1780-1796
Observation of random-phase lattice solitons

O Cohen, G Bartal, H Buljan, T Carmon, JW Fleischer, M Segev, …
Nature 433 (7025), 500
Brillouin zone spectroscopy of photonic lattices

G Bartal, O Cohen, H Buljan, O Manela, J Fleischer, M Segev
Optics and Photonics News (Special December Issue) 16, 37-37
Nonlinear Optics

JW Fleischer, DN Neshev, G Bartal, TJ Alexander, O Cohen, …
Optics and photonics news 15 (12), 30-32
Two-dimensional higher-band vortex lattice solitons

O Manela, O Cohen, G Bartal, JW Fleischer, M Segev
Optics letters 29 (17), 2049-2051
Observation of vortex-ring “discrete” solitons in 2D photonic lattices

JW Fleischer, G Bartal, O Cohen, O Manela, M Segev, J Hudock, …
Physical review letters 92 (12), 123904
Observation of vortex-ring “discrete” solitons in 2D photonic lattices

JW Fleischer, G Bartal, O Cohen, O Manela, M Segev, J Hudock, …
Physical review letters 92 (12), 123904
Two-dimensional higher-band vortex lattice solitons

G Bartal, O Cohen, O Manela, JW Fleischer
Optics letters: A publication of the Optical Society of America, 2049-2051
Free-space optical cross-connect switch by use of electroholography

B Pesach, G Bartal, E Refaeli, AJ Agranat, J Krupnik, D Sadot
Applied Optics 39 (5), 746-758
The electroholographic optical switches and interconnects

AJ Agranat, G Bartal, J Krupnic, B Pessah, D Sadot
Unconventional Optical Elements for Information Storage, Processing and …